Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Still Kicking

Katie Hnida chronicles her journey in becoming the first woman to play Division I college football in the book, Still Kicking.

Only the title of the book has relevance here. Horror House is still kicking after being "in the can" for more than a year. We have signed with a sales representative and indications are that a Twin Cities theatrical premiere could be in the works for October along with DVD release shortly after. Nothing is guaranteed, but in this industry, nothing ever is. The important thing is we're moving ahead.

On a personal note, I have a handful of other projects brewing and I plan to start blogging on a more regular basis at a different blog location. I will be sure to post the new link here so the millions who read this blog can continue to absorb my consummate profundity each and every third month.

On another personal note, I am saddened that the Rogers Super Target no longer carries Totino's Party Pizzas. Why, cruel world? Why?!

~ Justen