Monday, December 10, 2007

No Dances

Word from both Sundance and Slamdance was received and we failed to make the cut for either festival. I expected the Sundance rejection (though I held a small hope for a miracle) since Sundance has become a venue for established Hollywood vets to try new things with their 7 and 8 figure budgets. Slamdance, however, I thought could have been a nice fit for Horror House. They only accept movies from first or second time directors, which Chad is. But the cut of the movie they saw was not the right fit for them this year.

Onward and upward now as I continue to submit to film festivals across the world in hopes to find an audience and impress a buyer. I'll do the festival circuit for 12-18 months and if I don't find distibution in that time, I'll explore other routes until we sell the picture. I don't think we'll have any major problems selling.

I just read Bob the Gaffer's comment on the trailer. I certainly can't conclude from that particular comment what the anonymous follow-up poster concluded, but I can say with some certainty Bob is wrong about the acting. We had some very talented people involved, each of whom took on a persona quite different from their own. That in itself is a trait of a good actor.

As for the movie, it is what it is. It's a mockery of low-budget slasher flicks while being a low-budget faux slasher flick itself. Not everybody will like it, and not everyone is supposed to like it. My mom won't even watch it! ;)


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